• Coupon Stash was developed by a team of five students who shared a similar passion of using coupons and wanted a simpler way to manage them.

Project Team

Nelson Tan


If you see me on Tinder, please swipe right!
[github] [portfolio]

Role: 🎶🎶🎶 Row, row, row your boat…​ 🎶🎶🎶
Responsibilities: "Undo" Feature in Coupon Stash to revert commands and changes

Chester Sim


Role: Developer/UI Lead
Responsibilities: Usage and archive feature of Coupon Stash. Lead the team in the UI/UX of the product

Alden Tan


Role: Developer
Responsibilities: "Saved" Feature in Coupon Stash to see how much you have saved

Kevin Law


Role: Junior Developer
Responsibilities: Remind Feature of Coupon Stash

Denise Ng

denise ng

Role: Developer
Responsibilities: Expiring, copy and goto features & calendar in Coupon Stash.